You are viewing documentation for Falco version: v0.34.1

Falco v0.34.1 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.


client-go Goライブラリは以下を提供します:

[完全に機能する例]((を参照して、GoクライアントがFalco gRPC出力APIに接続する方法と、イベントをJSONで表示します。

  1. 例のパスの/tmp/{client.crt,client.key,ca.crt}に証明書があることを確認します。

  2. client-goルートディレクトリから、次のコマンドを実行します:

    $ go run examples/output/main.go | jq


      "time": {
        "seconds": 1570094449,
        "nanos": 259268899
      "priority": 3,
      "rule": "Modify binary dirs",
      "output": "09:20:49.259268899: Error File below known binary directory renamed/removed (user=vagrant command=lua /home/vagrant/.dotfiles/zsh/.config/zsh/plugins/z.lua/z.lua --init zsh once enhanced pcmdline=zsh operation=rena
    me file=<NA> res=0 oldpath=/usr/bin/realpath newpath=/usr/bin/realpath container_id=host image=<NA>)",
      "output_fields": {
        "": "host",
        "container.image.repository": "<NA>",
        "evt.args": "res=0 oldpath=/usr/bin/realpath newpath=/usr/bin/realpath ",
        "evt.time": "09:20:49.259268899",
        "evt.type": "rename",
        "": "<NA>",
        "proc.cmdline": "lua /home/vagrant/.dotfiles/zsh/.config/zsh/plugins/z.lua/z.lua --init zsh once enhanced",
        "proc.pcmdline": "zsh",
        "": "vagrant"
      "time": {
        "seconds": 1570094449,
        "nanos": 620298462
      "priority": 4,
      "rule": "Delete or rename shell history",
      "output": "09:20:49.620298462: Warning Shell history had been deleted or renamed (user=vagrant type=unlink command=zsh<NA> name=<NA> path=/home/vagrant/.zsh_history.LOCK oldpath=<NA> host (id=host))",
      "output_fields": {
        "": "host",
        "": "host",
        "": "<NA>",
        "evt.arg.oldpath": "<NA>",
        "evt.arg.path": "/home/vagrant/.zsh_history.LOCK",
        "evt.time": "09:20:49.620298462",
        "evt.type": "unlink",
        "": "<NA>",
        "proc.cmdline": "zsh",
        "": "vagrant"