You are viewing documentation for Falco version: v0.34.1

Falco v0.34.1 documentation is no longer actively maintained. The version you are currently viewing is a static snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Learning Environment

Integrations built on the Falco core in a learning environment


The easiest way to use Falco on Kubernetes in a local environment is on Minikube.

When running minikube with one of the following drivers virtualbox, qemu, kvm2, it creates a VM that runs the various Kubernetes services and a container framework to run Pods, etc. Generally, it's not possible to build the Falco kernel module directly on the minikube VM, as the VM doesn't include the kernel headers for the running kernel.

To address this, starting with Falco 0.33.0 prebuilt kernel modules and bpf probes for the last 3 minikube major versions, including minor versions, are available at This allows the download fallback step to succeed with a loadable driver. New versions of minikube are automatically discovered by the kernel-crawler and periodically built by test-infra. The supported versions can be found at Falco currently retains previously-built kernel modules for download and continues to provide limited historical support as well.

You can follow the official Get Started! guide to install.

View minikube Get Started! Guide

Note: Ensure that you have installed kubectl.

Falco with syscall source

In order to install Falco with the kernel module or the bpf probe:

  1. Create the cluster with Minikube using a VM driver, in this case, Virtualbox:

    minikube start --driver=virtualbox
  2. Check that all pods are running:

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  3. Add the Falco Helm repository and update the local Helm repository cache:

    helm repo add falcosecurity
    helm repo update
  4. Install Falco using Helm:

    1. With kernel module:

      helm install falco --set tty=true falcosecurity/falco
    2. With bpf probe:

      helm install falco --set driver.kind=ebpf --set tty=true falcosecurity/falco

    The output is similar to:

    NAME: falco
    LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Oct 24 16:55:51 2022
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
    Falco agents are spinning up on each node in your cluster. After a few
    seconds, they are going to start monitoring your containers looking for
    security issues.
    No further action should be required.
    You can easily forward Falco events to Slack, Kafka, AWS Lambda and more with falcosidekick. 
    Full list of outputs:
    You can enable its deployment with `--set falcosidekick.enabled=true` or in your values.yaml. 
    See: for configuration values.
  5. Check the logs to ensure that Falco is running:

    kubectl logs -l --all-containers

    The output is similar to:

    * Looking for a falco module locally (kernel 5.10.57)
    * Filename 'falco_minikube_5.10.57_1_1.26.1.ko' is composed of:
     - driver name: falco
     - target identifier: minikube
     - kernel release: 5.10.57
     - kernel version: 1_1.26.1
    * Trying to download a prebuilt falco module from
    * Download succeeded
    * Success: falco module found and inserted
    Mon Oct 24 14:57:06 2022: Falco version: 0.33.0 (x86_64)
    Mon Oct 24 14:57:06 2022: Falco initialized with configuration file: /etc/falco/falco.yaml
    Mon Oct 24 14:57:06 2022: Loading rules from file /etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml
    Mon Oct 24 14:57:06 2022: Loading rules from file /etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml
    Mon Oct 24 14:57:07 2022: The chosen syscall buffer dimension is: 8388608 bytes (8 MBs)
    Mon Oct 24 14:57:07 2022: Starting health webserver with threadiness 4, listening on port 8765
    Mon Oct 24 14:57:07 2022: Enabled event sources: syscall
    Mon Oct 24 14:57:07 2022: Opening capture with Kernel module

Falco with multiple sources

Here we run Falco in minikube cluster with multiple sources: syscall and k8s_audit. The next steps show how to start a minikube cluster with the audit logs enabled and deploy Falco with the kernel module and the k8saudit plugin:

  1. First, we need to create a new folder under the configuration folder of minikube:

    mkdir -p ~/.minikube/files/etc/ssl/certs

    We are assuming that the minikube configuration folder lives in your home folder otherwise, adjust the command according to your environment.

  2. Let's create the needed configuration files to enable the audit logs. We are going to create a new file under ~/.minikube/files/etc/ssl/certs named audit-policy.yaml and copy the required config into it. Copy the following snippet into your terminal shell:

    cat << EOF > ~/.minikube/files/etc/ssl/certs/audit-policy.yaml
    apiVersion: # This is required.
    kind: Policy
    # Don't generate audit events for all requests in RequestReceived stage.
      - "RequestReceived"
      # Log pod changes at RequestResponse level
      - level: RequestResponse
        - group: ""
          # Resource "pods" doesn't match requests to any subresource of pods,
          # which is consistent with the RBAC policy.
          resources: ["pods", "deployments"]
      - level: RequestResponse
        - group: ""
          # Resource "pods" doesn't match requests to any subresource of pods,
          # which is consistent with the RBAC policy.
          resources: ["clusterroles", "clusterrolebindings"]
      # Log "pods/log", "pods/status" at Metadata level
      - level: Metadata
        - group: ""
          resources: ["pods/log", "pods/status"]
      # Don't log requests to a configmap called "controller-leader"
      - level: None
        - group: ""
          resources: ["configmaps"]
          resourceNames: ["controller-leader"]
      # Don't log watch requests by the "system:kube-proxy" on endpoints or services
      - level: None
        users: ["system:kube-proxy"]
        verbs: ["watch"]
        - group: "" # core API group
          resources: ["endpoints", "services"]
      # Don't log authenticated requests to certain non-resource URL paths.
      - level: None
        userGroups: ["system:authenticated"]
        - "/api*" # Wildcard matching.
        - "/version"
      # Log the request body of configmap changes in kube-system.
      - level: Request
        - group: "" # core API group
          resources: ["configmaps"]
        # This rule only applies to resources in the "kube-system" namespace.
        # The empty string "" can be used to select non-namespaced resources.
        namespaces: ["kube-system"]
      # Log configmap changes in all other namespaces at the RequestResponse level.
      - level: RequestResponse
        - group: "" # core API group
          resources: ["configmaps"]
      # Log secret changes in all other namespaces at the Metadata level.
      - level: Metadata
        - group: "" # core API group
          resources: ["secrets"]
      # Log all other resources in core and extensions at the Request level.
      - level: Request
        - group: "" # core API group
        - group: "extensions" # Version of group should NOT be included.
      # A catch-all rule to log all other requests at the Metadata level.
      - level: Metadata
        # Long-running requests like watches that fall under this rule will not
        # generate an audit event in RequestReceived.
          - "RequestReceived"

    Create the file webhook-config.yaml and save the required configuration needed by the k8s api-server to send the audit logs to Falco:

    cat << EOF > ~/.minikube/files/etc/ssl/certs/webhook-config.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Config
    - name: falco
        # certificate-authority: /path/to/ca.crt # for https
        server: http://localhost:30007/k8s-audit
    - context:
        cluster: falco
        user: ""
      name: default-context
    current-context: default-context
    preferences: {}
    users: []
  3. Once the configuration files are in place we are ready to start the minikube cluster:

    minikube start \
        --extra-config=apiserver.audit-policy-file=/etc/ssl/certs/audit-policy.yaml \
        --extra-config=apiserver.audit-log-path=- \
        --extra-config=apiserver.audit-webhook-config-file=/etc/ssl/certs/webhook-config.yaml \
        --extra-config=apiserver.audit-webhook-batch-max-size=10 \
        --extra-config=apiserver.audit-webhook-batch-max-wait=5s \
        --cpus=4 \
 We need at least 4 CPUs for the VM to deploy Falco with multiple sources!
  1. Before installing Falco, let us configure it to use the syscall and k8saudit sources:

    cat << EOF > ~/values-falco-syscall-k8saudit.yaml
    # Enable the driver, and choose between the kernel module or the ebpf probe.
    # Default value: kernel module.
      enabled: true
      kind: module
    # Enable the collectors used to enrich the events with metadata.
    # Check the values.yaml file for fine-grained options.
      enabled: true
    # We set the controller to daemonset since we have the syscalls source enabled.
    # It will ensure that every node on our cluster will be monitored by Falco.
    # Please note that the api-server will use the "k8saudit-webhook" service to send
    # audit logs to the falco instances. That means that when we have multiple instances of Falco
    # we can not predict to which instance the audit logs will be sent. When testing please check all
    # the Falco instance to make sure that at least one of them have received the audit logs.
      kind: daemonset
          # -- Enable the init container. We do not recommend installing plugins for security reasons since they are executable objects.
          # We install only "rulesfiles".
          enabled: true
          # -- Enable the sidecar container. We do not support it yet for plugins. It is used only for rules feed such as k8saudit-rules rules.
          enabled: true
            # -- Do not resolve the depenencies for artifacts. By default is true, but for our use case we disable it.
            resolveDeps: false
            # -- List of artifacts to be installed by the falcoctl init container.
            # We do not recommend installing (or following) plugins for security reasons since they are executable objects.
            refs: [falco-rules:0, k8saudit-rules:0.5]
            # -- List of artifacts to be followed by the falcoctl sidecar container.
            # We do not recommend installing (or following) plugins for security reasons since they are executable objects.
            refs: [falco-rules:0, k8saudit-rules:0.5]
      - name: k8saudit-webhook
        type: NodePort
          - port: 9765 # See plugin open_params
            nodePort: 30007
            protocol: TCP
        - /etc/falco/falco_rules.yaml
        - /etc/falco/k8s_audit_rules.yaml
        - /etc/falco/rules.d
        - name: k8saudit
            # maxEventBytes: 1048576
            # sslCertificate: /etc/falco/falco.pem
          open_params: "http://:9765/k8s-audit"
        - name: json
          init_config: ""
      load_plugins: [k8saudit, json]
    tty: true
 If you need to change the port numbers then make sure to change them also in the `webhook` configuration file in step 2.
  1. Add the Falco Helm repository and update the local Helm repository cache:

    helm repo add falcosecurity
    helm repo update
  2. Assuming the configuration showed in the previous step lives in the current directory values-falco-syscall-k8saudit.yaml, then run the following command to deploy Falco in the minikube cluster:

    helm install falco \
        --values=values-falco-syscall-k8saudit.yaml \
  3. Check that the Falco pod is up and running:

    kubectl get pods -l
  4. Execute the following command and keep the terminal open:

    kubectl logs -l -f

    The command will follow the log stream of the Falco pod by printing the logs as soon as Falco emits them. And make sure that the following lines are present:

    Mon Oct 24 15:24:06 2022: Opening capture with plugin 'k8saudit'
    Mon Oct 24 15:24:06 2022: Opening capture with Kernel module

    It means that Falco is running with the configured sources.

  5. Trigger some rules to check that Falco works as expected. Open a new terminal and make sure that your kubeconfig points to the minikube cluster. Then run:

    1. Trigger a k8saudit rule:
      kubectl create cm  myconfigmap --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=123456
      In the terminal that we opened in step 8 we should see a log line like this:
      15:30:07.927586000: Warning K8s configmap with private credential (user=minikube-user verb=create resource=configmaps configmap=myconfigmap config={"password":"123456","username":"admin"})
    2. Trigger a Falco rule:
      kubectl exec $(kubectl get pods -l -o name) -- touch /bin/test-bin
      Check that a log similar to this one has been printed:
      15:32:04.318689836: Error File below a known binary directory opened for writing (user=<NA> user_loginuid=-1 command=touch /bin/test-bin pid=20954 file=/bin/test-bin parent=<NA> pcmdline=<NA> gparent=<NA> container_id=38e44b926166 image=falcosecurity/falco-no-driver) k8s.ns=default k8s.pod=falco-bggd7 container=38e44b926166


kind lets you run Kubernetes on your local computer. This tool requires that you have Docker installed and configured. Currently not working directly on Mac with Linuxkit, but these directions work on Linux guest OS running kind.

The kind Quick Start page shows you what you need to do to get up and running with kind.

View kind Quick Start Guide

To run Falco on a kind cluster is as follows:

  1. Create a configuration file. For example: kind-config.yaml

  2. Add the following to the file:

    kind: Cluster
    - role: control-plane
        # allow Falco to use devices provided by the kernel module
      - hostPath: /dev
        containerPath: /dev
        # allow Falco to use the Docker unix socket
      - hostPath: /var/run/docker.sock
        containerPath: /var/run/docker.sock
  3. Create the cluster by specifying the configuration file:

    kind create cluster --config=./kind-config.yaml
  4. Install Falco on a node in the kind cluster. To install Falco as a daemonset on a Kubernetes cluster use Helm. For more information about the configuration of Falco charts, see


MicroK8s is the smallest, fastest multi-node Kubernetes. Single-package fully conformant lightweight Kubernetes that works on Linux, Windows and Mac. Perfect for: Developer workstations, IoT, Edge, CI/CD.

You can follow the official Getting Started guide to install.

View MicroK8s Getting Started Guide

To run Falco on MicroK8s:

  1. Install Falco on a node in the MicroK8s cluster. To install Falco as a daemonset on a Kubernetes cluster use Helm. For more information about the configuration of Falco charts, see